All children in Years R-2 are entitled to a universal free school meal (UFSM) every day. This happens automatically and there is no need for parents/carers to request meals, children should simply indicate that they require a school meal at morning registration.
For all other children, meals cost £2.50 per day and must be paid for in advance via the ‘Dinner Money’ module in the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) app.
Our school meals are provided by Cucina and are prepared on-site by our Catering Team. The menu runs on a three-week cycle, changing seasonally and each day children have the option of a main meal, vegetarian meal or a jacket potato followed by dessert. There is also a daily salad bar, fresh fruit and freshly baked bread.

Special requirements due to allergies or medical needs will be catered for on notification. Please inform us of any dietary needs when completing your child’s admission forms.
Free School Meals – think you may be eligible?
If you receive certain government benefits or your annual gross income is less than £16,190 a year, your child could be eligible for free school meals (FSM). To apply and quickly find out if your child is eligible, please use the following link:
Alternatively, please request a FSM Registration Form from the school office. Our Office Manager, Miss Holness, can assist you in your application and assure you that circumstances are treated with sensitivity and in confidence.
Cucina Menus
Autumn Term 1 2023/24