What is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium?
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium is designed to support primary schools to ensure children catch up as a result of the coronavirus and disruption caused to their education.
For 2020-2021, the government has invested over £1 billion in funding to support children. The allocation of funding is calculated on a per-pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 6. Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.
What does this mean at Marden Primary Academy?
We believe that active, healthy learners will have positive attitudes towards themselves and their learning, and will make the greatest progress. We will work through a tiered approach to ensure that all pupils that have fallen behind are identified, have individual pathways set, are supported to achieve at pace and that their progress is monitored.
We will drive this by means of:
- ‘quality first teaching’, informed by accurate baseline and interim assessments
- targeted academic interventions and support
- considered strategies to promote mental health and physical well-being.
We will invest in IT, PSHE and specific teaching and tutoring programmes.
Our intent:
- All children will have personalised learning pathways to ensure gaps arising from the impact of COVID-19 are closed
- Purposeful, well-resourced interventions will take place in managed blocks
- All children will participate in structured, considered PSHE programmes and activities
- Effective home learning systems will be in place to ensure remote learning is effective
- Within Years 3-6, every child will have 1:1 access to a device,
- Staff will have access to quality professional (Google) training (funded separately) including the Chartered College and National College
- Staff will have access to fast, reliable equipment and this will ensure learning can take place in and out of school
- Online safety protocols for children and colleagues are robust
Total COVID-19 Catch-Up Premium allocated: £21,923
Year Group / Cohort
Year 6 for September and then Year 5 and Year 4
Intervention / Cost
Chromebook Scheme
Approx. £11,197
Intended Outcomes
Embedding the Blended Learning Strategy across the Academy to include:
- Access to remote education if required
- Blended learning approaches across the curriculum allowing children to access learning at their own pace, with accessibility features to support their learning
- To develop efficient IT skills and working practices to enhance all areas of learning.
RAG Rating March 2021
In place and in use by Y6
RAG Rating July 2021
Year Group / Cohort
All year groups.
Intervention / Cost
Teaching and learning focus for all staff.
Total: £500 (Additional Release time to organise CPD)
Intended Outcomes
Quality First Teaching and targeted curriculum planning: Children to be taught the KPIs in the first instance to ensure any gaps due to school closure are closed quickly and effectively to ensure they are then able to reach Age Related Expectations by the end of the year.
RAG Rating March 2021
Collaborative Planning in place and targeted KPIs have been taught since November.
RAG Rating July 2021
Year Group / Cohort
Year 4 – Year 6 Groups including PPG/FSM Maths
Intervention / Cost
Group Tuition
Total: £4,800 (Maths)
Intended Outcomes
Small Group Tuition: To focus on the key Number skills for each year group.
Intervention Programmes: Structured interventions either 1:1 or small group will be planned and delivered when necessary.
Tuition starting Wb 8.3.21
RAG Rating March 2021
Maths starting in Term 4.
RAG Rating July 2021
Year Group / Cohort
EYFS and Key Stage 1
Intervention / Cost
Books: £2500
Intended Outcomes
Resources to support the effective teaching of phonics in order to support and improve the development of Early Reading Strategies in Key Stage 1.
RAG Rating March 2021
Phonics books purchased and being used by EYFS/Y1
RAG Rating July 2021
Intervention / Cost
Total: £2926
Intended Outcomes
Unallocated at this time to be further allocated after school returns on 8.3.21